Nice to Meet You!

I’m so grateful our paths crossed at a recent conference and am happy it peaked your interest in assessing your client experience and relationships. I hope you find the following resources helpful and that we get a chance to talk about you and your firm soon!  — Amy N. Mullen, CFP®

Assess Your Client Experience

The Client Relationship & Experience Survey is a quick and easy tool that allows you to assess your level of satisfaction with various aspects of your client meetings and your skills in navigating important client conversations.  By completing this assessment, you will have the opportunity to pinpoint the aspects of your client relationships and experience that is going well and those you’d like to improve.

Chat with Amy

Once you’ve completed the assessment above, feel free to schedule a 60-minute virtual Getting Acquainted Meeting with MQ President Amy Mullen to discuss your survey results. Amy will be happy to share thoughts, ideas, and resources in addition to how the MQ True Wealth Planning model could integrate into your client meeting process to increase effectiveness and efficiency. Be sure to review the latest recording of the Introduction to Money Quotient below if you’ve not had the opportunity to sit in on a live session.

An Introduction to Money Quotient

Join us for an upcoming Introduction to Money Quotient Webinar or watch this recent recording below.