MQ Open Forum: Visualizing Generosity: A Goal-Setting Journey for Existing Clients

About the Webinar

When you think about goal-setting with clients, you probably think of retirement, homeownership, or risk management. Creating security for oneself is certainly a foundational need for all clients. However, once that comfortable foundation has been built, research shows that giving – in all forms, big and small – brings a sense of intrinsic reward, meaning, and fulfillment to one’s life.

In this MQ Open Forum, we’ll discuss ways to utilize the suite of goal-setting tools to visualize a life of generosity and identify goals for gifting one’s time, energy, or money that aligns with that individual’s core values.  This conversation goes beyond identifying avenues for charitable gifting and includes ways your client can demonstrate generosity with friends, family, and their communities.

This webinar is an excellent fit if you feel ready to take a deeper dive into the client conversations you’re having around goals.

Our MQ Open Forum webinars bring collaborative discussions to the virtual meeting space. Each session will focus on a particular topic and highlight the pertinent practical/emotional aspects of client relationships and processes. The format for each Open Forum will be similar:

  • 20 minutes: We will begin with a brief introduction to the topic and share the MQ Perspective
  • 20 minutes: We will provide a handful of questions before moving into small group breakouts, allowing you to discuss the topic, learning with and from others
  • 20 minutes: We will reconvene as a large group to share the key takeaways
  • Be sure to take advantage of these valuable opportunities to interact with like-minded peers and gain new insights and ideas for your practice.

Last month, we touched on fundamentals and the MQ tools and resources in the goals inquiry category. We will be building on those concepts during this conversation. We suggest watching the recording before joining us. MQ Partners can find it in the Education Archive under ‘Honing Your Communication Skills/Refresher on Fundamentals.’)


This webinar is free and open to MQ PARTNERS only.