From Resistance to Action: Motivating Clients to Implement Your Advice

This webinar is an MQ Research & Education sponsored event.

1.0 CFP CE accepted by the CFP Board. 

About the Webinar:

Have you had clients who never seem to follow your advice and recommendations? You’ve exhausted all your options – provided information, showed the charts and graphs, and gave them the data. You’ve warned them. You’ve tried persuading them. You used interactive visuals. Nothing seems to work, and now you think you might have to fire them.

In this presentation, you’ll learn why your clients may pay you for your advice only to ignore it. Using tools from financial psychology, neuroscience, motivational interviewing, and behavioral finance, you’ll learn about the stages of change clients go through, how their brains respond to stress (including how just being in your office is stressful), and how to help them find their own motivation to change.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how your clients’ brains are predisposed to not respond to facts, information, and data

  • Learn how to recognize whether your clients are ready to change and how to work with their resistance

  • Learn how to help your clients succeed by helping them uncover their own motivation to make positive change by actively listening

About Derek Hagen, CFA, CFP®, CFT-I™, FBS®, CIPM

Derek is a financial therapist specializing in meaning and purpose. He is the founder of Meaningful Money, helping clients who feel stuck. He has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Kitces Nerd’s Eye View, Standard Deviations, and the Human Side of Money. He writes about money, meaning, purpose, and happiness using simple drawings in his weekly newsletter and blog. He earned an economics degree from Minnesota State University and a graduate certificate in financial psychology from Creighton University. He has earned the Certified Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Analyst, Certified Financial Therapist-1, and Certified Financial Behavior Specialist designations.

Registration Fee

This webinar is open to EVERYONE!

  • $35 – MQ Partners
  • $50 – Others