Creators of the True Wealth Process

At Money Quotient, we teach financial professionals  how to bring science to the art of relationship.  Our research-driven model creates a replicable client experience, predictable results, and raving fans. The result is successful financial planning engagements that transform lives.  

We invite you to consider the proven results of our 30-year body of work…

  • What if the highly engaged client meetings that currently comprise your best days naturally evolve into the experience you enjoy EVERY day?
  • What if you could walk beside your clients as a coach, removing the pressure of parent/child accountability?
  • What if you created an environment where your clients fully mature in matters of money, and truly own their financial and life goals?
Finally, you can shift the focus of client meetings from market performance and compensation to helping your clients achieve True Wealth. 

Listen to Carol Anderson, founder of Money Quotient, describe the purpose of the True Wealth Process™.
Click here to view a two minute video.

Special thanks to Michael Kitces for permission to use audio clips
Financial Advisor Success Podcast Ep.59

EQ + IQ = MQ

Money Quotient focuses on both the subjective and objective factors that either enhance or hinder financial satisfaction and quality of life. According to our underlying philosophy, an individual’s “real” financial well-being (MQ) is comprised of two essential components: emotional intelligence (EQ) and financial knowledge (IQ).

Therefore, rather than using net worth as a snapshot of financial status, we take a more holistic approach to measuring financial health and maximizing quality of life.

With this goal in mind, we created the MQ True Wealth Process™ for nurturing purposeful and highly engaged client relationships.  In addition, we support your implementation success by providing:

  1. Research-based discovery and goal-setting tools
  2. Proven practice management resources
  3. Individualized consultations
  4. Ongoing continuing education opportunities
  5. Access to a supportive community of like-minded professionals

Why + How + What

WHY: We believe a values-based, life-centered approach to financial planning engages individuals and empowers them to maximize their resources and live meaningful and purposeful lives.

HOW: Based on a solid foundation of education and research, we facilitate the exploration and implementation of a holistic process for delivering client-centered financial planning services and advice.

WHAT: To achieve this goal, we develop tools and training for financial professionals who truly want to make a difference in the lives of their clients.

Our MQ True Wealth Process™ will help you get to the heart of your client's values and priorities, establish meaningful financial and life goals, and create an effective and inspiring decision-making framework.

In addition, this practical process will differentiate your practice, nurture long-term client relationships, and guide productive and mutually satisfying financial planning meetings.

Our practical process and life-centered materials will help you get to the heart of your clients' values and priorities, and create a framework to align your financial advice with their life goals.

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